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Hier beantworten wir deine Fragen


  • Is the ES 3566 also designed for juicing potatos?

    Our juicers are designed for juicing fruit and vegetables such as apples, carrots, cucumbers or tomatoes. Since raw potatoes have a similar firm texture as carrots, for example, they can also be juiced. However, caution should be exercised when eating raw potatoes, as consumption can be harmful to health

  • Is the ES 3566 designed for juicing ginger? We’d like to have the device mainly for ginger shots.

    Especially firm fruit and vegetables can be juiced very well with a centrifugal juicer. A good example are fresh apples and fresh carrots which offer a good ratio of fruit to juice yield. Ginger can certainly be compared to firm carrots, so there is nothing thats prevents the juicing of it in the ES 3566.

  • Does the ES 3566 possess an english plug?

    The ES 3566, offered on amazon.de, is equipped with an european plug, Typ C „CEE 7/16“, this plug does not fit into an english socket.

  • I would like to buy a slow juicer and use it mostly with wheatgrass, could you please suggest one?

    We don’t have experience in juicing wheatgras with our juicer 3571, but there’s nothing speaking against it. Therefore you can of course try juicing the wheatgras with our juicer.